Friday, July 27, 2007

We're baaaaaack!

We are home from Galveston safe and sound. The weather was the pitts but the kids had the best time and that is all that matters. No incidences to report.

I had two firsts on the trip. 1- I threw up while I was running (the trash truck drove by and it really stunk) and 2-I ate 4 cheese manicotti as a bet and won! woo hoo!

The kids had so much fun playing on the beach and at the house collecting toads. Nervous Nana was on her toes making sure the kids did not go too deep in the ocean. Parker kept us informed of his body functions (in his usual LOUD voice!) Zach caught plenty of fish for the kids to play with. Sara, Kara, and Jodi enjoyed the scenes from lounge chairs. It was a great trip.


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